You are Perfect

You are Perfect

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a contributing writer for Megan Mottley’s Vision for Daily Devotionals. I’m one of 12 women who share insights on everything from business to health and wellness! Here’s an except from my latest posting. “Bruises...
Courage Creates Change

Courage Creates Change

Happy New Year! We’re into the first week of 2017. Many people have established their resolutions. For some, it’s eating better and exercising. For others, it’s starting a new business or becoming debt free. Whatever it is, it takes a certain degree...
Love Should Not Be Defined by a Day

Love Should Not Be Defined by a Day

With February being known as the month of love and inclusive of Valentine’s Day, society has convinced so many people that it is necessary to buy expensive gifts and eat at fancy restaurants. And, with social media being the driving force of real time...
Girls Night-Investing In You

Girls Night-Investing In You

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking on a tele-summit entitled, She is in You. My topic was “Girls Night-Investing In You”. My focus was to share with the listening audience about my experience with overcoming domestic violence and entertaining the...
What Type of Party Are You Hosting?

What Type of Party Are You Hosting?

I have often said that I enjoy being invited to any party but a pity party. I may decide to stop by and check it out for a few minutes Like and . However, I will never take off my coat or have a seat. I am not interested in making myself comfortable. Life is to be...