Benchmark Education Conference

Benchmark Education Conference

I will be one of the presenters for the Benchmark Education Conference being held on October 20, 2022, in Cairo, Egypt. I am honored to share time and space with some amazing women and men who are committed to sharing their expertise in education and technology. To...
Teen Dating Violence-Girl Talk with Houston High School

Teen Dating Violence-Girl Talk with Houston High School

It was indeed my privilege to return to Houston High School. This time, it was all about the young ladies. They have started a Beautifully Unique Girls Club. It gives them the opportunity to talk about important issues in a safe space for full transparency and self...
THI Nursing Graduation

THI Nursing Graduation

What a great way to end 2021! I gave the Commencement Address for The Health Institute’s Fall Graduation for their Nursing and Phlebotomy graduates. It was indeed an honor to share my experiences, provide hope, encouragement and a call to action for not only the...
Educating the Community About DV

Educating the Community About DV

Over the Labor Day weekend, I had the opportunity to encourage and educate the Whitehaven community about domestic violence at their Annual Community Festival. I am especially pleased to see a festival that is specific to not only having a good time for families, but...
Adult Accountability and Teen Dating Violence

Adult Accountability and Teen Dating Violence

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention month. It is the time that we, as a society, should be making a conscience effort to educate and inform our teens about the importance of establishing healthy relationships, setting boundaries, knowing...