by Joyce Kyles | Mar 3, 2013 | Pamper & Support Day, Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

I was one of two speakers to present at Ashes2Beauty, Inc’s first Day of Pampering Event. Kelley Alsobrook, pictured, is the Founder of Ashes2Beauty, Inc and it was her vision to provide women who’ve suffered abuse in any form to experience a complete day of pampering. This included manicures, hair design, make up artistry, before and after photos, food and fellowship. Megan Mottley, Author of The Glamour Girl Movement, gave a wonderful presentation on embracing your inner and outer beauty. Yolanda Gates (Quiet Storm) delivered a very moving spoken word piece. Kudos to Tiffany Smith-Cook, her glamour team and to every person who volunteered their time and talents.
I shared my insights as a survivor and advocate, offering words of encouragement and support to the attendees. My goal was to share with them that no matter where they may be in their situation (still in it, thinking of leaving or already gone) there’s hope, safety and tangible resources available. The road to transition is not an easy one, but it is attainable. I do not measure my survival success in terms of dollars, but in my determination to take each day as it comes, knowing that every day will not be an easy day, but each day has hope and promise.
by Joyce Kyles | Feb 9, 2013 | Pamper & Support Day, Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

WIANL, Inc., in collaboration with The Circle of Inspiration, celebrated it’s 1yr anniversary of Pamper and Support Day on Saturday, February 9, 2013. Victims, survivors and advocates all enjoyed an afternoon of open, honest discussion about domestic violence, where we are in our walk and goals for healing and positive transition. In addition to the normal support group session, attendees participated in a symbolic balloon release at the conclusion of the event, having written on the balloons all of the negative/hurting/things that we wanted to ‘release’ from our lives.
After the balloon release, participants were able to partake of various foods and beverages and given Mary Kay gift bags. They were led to a separate room where stations of clothes, shoes, accessories and toiletries were available for them to take home. Haircare products, diapers and baby wipes were also available.
Pamper and Support Day was established a year ago in an effort to give victims and survivors an opportunity to relax, share experiences and be catered to, and to receive tangible basic necessities so often needed when dealing with domestic violence. Many times, victims are encouraged to leave, but not given the tools needed to do so. Pamper and Support Day is our way of providing some relief to the emotional and financial struggles that victims and survivors often face when making decisions about their situation and their ability to transition from victim to victorious.