Girls Night Out-Year Six

Girls Night Out-Year Six

Girls Night Out began six years ago at the Whitehaven Library. One of the directors, Donna Windham, reached out to me and asked if I’d be one of the facilitators. She felt domestic violence was a topic that needed to be addressed among young ladies, especially the teens. I agreed to participate. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and learned some great information from the attendees and the other agency presenter.

The following year, I was asked to come back. This time, I would be the sole presenter. Again, I agreed and again, I had a great time interacting with the attendees. I’m honored to say this year will mark six years of me serving in this capacity. It is extremely important that we continue to bring awareness about domestic violence, encourage our young people to make healthy and informed choices and guide their plans and purpose in a positive way. I do hope you’ll make plans to join us, share the information and bring as many young ladies with you as you can.

Educating the Community About DV

Educating the Community About DV

Over the Labor Day weekend, I had the opportunity to encourage and educate the Whitehaven community about domestic violence at their Annual Community Festival. I am especially pleased to see a festival that is specific to not only having a good time for families, but also making sure it includes a social component. Unfortunately, domestic violence plagues communities around the world. In Memphis specifically, Whitehaven is among those ranked relatively high with regard to domestic violence incidents.

I wanted to make sure the attendees understood that Memphis reached a record number of homicides in 2016, with the two biggest reasons being cited as gang related activity and domestic violence. I also wanted them to be aware of the many services available, including the one I founded, Walking Into A New Life, Inc. Lastly, I wanted them to know they were hearing from someone who could understand what they may be dealing with as I am celebrating another year as a survivor myself.

Always know that you’re not alone. Help and resources are available. If you or someone you know is going through abuse, please contact your local police precinct or domestic violence agency. Learn more about our nonprofit, Walking Into A New Life, Inc. by visiting the website, And, if you’re in immediate danger, PLEASE CALL 911 ASAP.