by Joyce Kyles | Nov 25, 2018 | Blog
This will be a 2 hour holistically strategic WORK shop. Come prepared to be an active participant. This is a personal & interactive opportunity to establish and maintain tools, resources and a realistic and tangible plan of action with an open and honest dialogue based on a portion of my book, Restoring the Whole in My Soul. Before you head into your personal and/or professional ventures for 2019, I invite you to intentionally reflect, release, renew, and restore in the now. ONLY 20 SLOTS AVAILABLE.
This will NOT be your standard listen/lecture type of session. Reserve your spot ONLY if you’re ready to invest a couple of hours of your time towards your written & visual wholeness, commitment to being accountable, willingness to discover & accept your calling/assignment, and try some old school/new strategies. The workshop will be recorded and available for an additional 72 hours for those who RSVP. Once you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email and additional information/instructions relevant to the success of your attendance. Your name will also go into a drawing for one attendee to receive a gift bag of goodies totalling $50 (just in time for the holidays)!
COST: $20.00
RSVP: CashApp: $JoyceKyles or PayPal:
by Joyce Kyles | Nov 23, 2018 | Blog
My next workshop is Dec 8th, but here’s a little tidbit worth sharing now. I’m much more comfortable about asking ppl to buy a product/service from me than when I was asking for a loan to pay my bills. Some of you are scared to tell people about your business. You’re too embarrassed. You just started. You scared of what folks will say about it. Or, you think because you talked about it 3 months ago, folks are supposed to remember & you get mad when they support someone doing what you do or something similar.
I made a point to support as many as I could because they shared, and I still have a few other ppl for later. If you are consistent, confident, and passionate about what you do, the opportunities you seek WILL come. YOU must show up for YOU first. Everyone will not want what you have to offer. Someone does & will buy. If you never let Anyone know what what you’re doing, No one will ever get the opportunity to know that what you have is just the blessing they were looking for.
by Joyce Kyles | Oct 5, 2018 | Blog
Did you know that October is National Book Month? During the month of October, you can purchase an autographed copy of my book, Restoring the Whole in My Soul, for $10, knowing that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Walking Into A New Life, Inc. The mission is to provide tangible resources to individuals affected by domestic violence. WIANL is a nonprofit that’s been in existence since 2010 and can be found online at as well as on Facebook and Twitter.
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. I am proud to say this year, I am celebrating 10 years as a survivor. Each year, I strive to do something different, fun, reflective, and/or engaging as I continue to live my best life. For me, my best life is one of peace, hope, love, joy, and impact.
When you purchase a copy of my book, you will be supporting a survivor who has fulfilled one of her life’s goals. It can also be used as a journal and is an excellent choice for a book club or women’s group discussion. A 20% discount applies to bulk orders of 15 or more.
To receive your autographed copy along with a special ‘thank you’ from me, you must make your purchase directly from my website. I am humbled and honored to have your support and encouragement. Both ebooks are each available for $2.99.
by Joyce Kyles | Jun 14, 2018 | Blog
My 10 Year Milestone: On this day, ten years ago, I took my life back and became a DV survivor. To some, this may not mean a lot. There will be some who I KNOW will question why I’m sharing this at all. But, if you had known me the way that my children knew me 10 years ago, you’d know I was holistically broken with no real plan of how to care or love me or them the way we all deserved. Today, I can honestly say I love myself & do my best to make sure my children know they have my love & support. I am a happy, healthy wife, mom, MiMi, entrepreneur, executive director, national speaker, 2x Best selling author and committed to helping the community in the way it has been given to me to do. I’ve met the most beautiful people who’ve helped/supported me along the way (celebrities, and more importantly, ordinary people like me). I have never desired to be popular. I do, however, desire to be impactful. I want to have to heart of service like Edna with the smile & realness of John (my grandma & daddy).
If you’ve done anything (marriage, a job, a business, etc.) consistently for 10 years, you know it takes dedication, discipline, consistency, strong belief and your why (personal/professional) has to be stronger than any opposition you face (family, friends, colleagues, your own self doubt). It’s encouraging for others to see, hear and know.
by Joyce Kyles | Jan 12, 2018 | Blog
I was nominated for an award last year regarding my book. However, the criteria for becoming a finalist was not based on popularity. I listened intently on Facebook Live as the event organizer shared her vision regarding the awards ceremony. She made one statement that has stayed with me from the moment I heard it. She said, you may be popular, but you may not be impacting the community. Her focus was centered around more than just writing a book. She wanted to know how the book was helping someone-anyone!
When asked, I was able to share how my book was being used to teach others how to heal, how to establish self sufficiency and self worth. My book was a transparent look into my life in a way that others could relate. I included realistic strategies and pages to be used as a journal. I did not win the award, but I was named as a finalist. I am honored by the acknowledgement. And, I ‘m even more honored to say it continues to serve as a guide for others.
The book is Restoring the Whole in My Soul, and it’s available as a paperback as well as an e-book. I’ve since gone on to co-author a second book. It’s entitled, You Need It, I Got It! It gave me the opportunity to showcase myself as a woman in business. And, I was able to incorporate my passion for personal development. The second book is only available as an e-book. They can all be purchased on the home page of my website, Get them for yourself or those you care about. I also have a workbook associated with my 1st book that is used for group sessions.
I am not interested in being popular, especially if it results in having a lesser impact on the audiences I desire to reach. I’ve never been part of the ‘in’ crowd. I’m not part of a sorority or social club. I have always maintained my love for writing, speaking and a boots on the ground spirit of giving and doing. If becoming popular provides me a platform to help more people and become more holistically sound, then I’ll certainly take it.