NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

NRCDV’s Webinar Series for Mind, Body, and Soul

The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence is hosting informative and engaging programs and workshops all month long! I am honored to be one of the presenters for the weekly workshop series. My specific date is October 13th, but I strongly encourage each of you to please tune in each Thursday! I am excited to hear the information that will be presented, as well as to have the opportunity to share. Get all of the details here:

A special note from NRCDV:

#Join us Thursdays in October for our #DVAM webinar series: #1Thing to #Care4Advocates Mind, Body, and Soul!

Sisterhood, Friendship and Advocacy

Sisterhood, Friendship and Advocacy

Last week, I had the pleasure of spending time with Mildred Muhammad. While many around the globe know her as the ex-wife of the DC Sniper and being an amazing speaker and author, I am pleased to say that I have a different type of relationship with her.

I am proud to call her my sister, friend, colleague and fellow warrior in bringing education, awareness and overall change regarding issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault. When I first reached out to her, it was to be a guest on our nonprofit’s radio show, Boots on the Ground. Keep in mind, I’ve been following her for years. But, because of her celebrity, I was actually afraid to reach out to her, fearing that we were too small and she would not have time. But, because I do not believe that we should live or operate in the spirit of fear, I decided to go ahead and contact her. She was soooooo easy going and personable. I felt a real sense of conviction come over me. She was quite humble and graciously accepted the invitation to be our special guest.

But, it is what happened afterwards that makes knowing her more meaningful for me. She made me feel comfortable to share things I hadn’t shared with others. There are times when you just feel the need to keep your thoughts  guarded, even when you need to share them. She advised me. She encouraged me. She corrected me. She reminded me. She made time for me. I knew from that moment on, I had a genuine connection with her. It wasn’t about social media likes or bragging about ‘who you know’. I know if I need her or just want to catch up, laugh or vent, I can do it. And, I believe she knows the same is true for her with me.

So, even though she was busy with speaking, workshops, book signings and radio interviews last week, she made certain we spent time together. It was not advertised. No selfies were taken to be Just two sisters who share a foundation of faith and like minded spirits chatting. And, if you’re reading this and have not yet ordered the book, you can do so using this link:

You’ll be glad you did!

Gwendolyn Brooks & National Day on Writing

Gwendolyn Brooks & National Day on Writing

Today is National Day on Writing. To know me is to know I love speaking and presenting. But, writing is the foundation for which I’ve relied on to get me through some of the best and worst times of my life. I absolutely love writing and what it has done for me. It’s an honor to say I’m a published author who has made Amazon’s Best Seller’s List. So, how did I get my start?

My 3rd grade teacher, always encouraged us to write. She often spoke to us about black writers and poets. She told me I was a good writer and encouraged me to keep writing. She said it was a good way to express my thoughts and feelings. She entered my work in the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Contest, an annual event hosted in Chicago. I didn’t win, but just knowing that she thought enough of my work to enter it meant the world to me!

I’ve been writing ever since. Short stories, poems, journals. I created a business centered around content writing. I’ve always wanted to be an attorney and writer. Being an attorney would give the me opportunity to present, which I enjoy. Writing would give me a voice in print. It would help me to connect with others who share my point of view and/or have an open dialogue with those of varying opinions. I wanted to be able to teach others how to use writing in their persona and professional lives. Well, as life would have it, I did not become an attorney. However, I am a speaker and presenter. And, I am still writing. I continue to seek out opportunities for my passions.

Are you a writer? If so, why do you write? Today’s a great day to reflect on your why. Or, if you’ve been thinking about doing it, now’s a great day to start. #WhyIWrite

My Viewpoint Featured in The Memphis Flyer

My Viewpoint Featured in The Memphis Flyer

As we continue to recognize October as National Domestic Violence Awareness month, I am reminded of one of the single biggest questions I’m asked, Why Doesn’t She Leave? I decided to write a few of my thoughts and submit them to The Memphis Flyer. I’m pleased to share my thoughts were featured in this week’s Viewpoint section of their newspaper. I am hopeful that those who read it will find it to provide a more intimate look at the barriers individuals affected by domestic violence are facing. I also hope it inspires others to become more involved in establishing and maintaining solutions to help our brothers and sisters who need help, support, guidance and resources.

Please take a read and feel free to leave a comment:

Girls Night Out on Domestic Violence Featured on Local 24

Girls Night Out on Domestic Violence Featured on Local 24

For the past six years, the Whitehaven Public Library has hosted an event called Girls Night Out on Domestic Violence. I have had the privilege to facilitate it all six years. The first year, I was asked to facilitate with another person from another organization. The following year, I was asked to do it alone and have been doing so ever since. I always look forward to it, and I always have a great time.

Donna Parnell Windham is over programs at the library. She wanted to start GNO because of the things she saw and heard from the people, specifically young women, who frequent the library. We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be featured on Local 24 to talk about the event and our passion for the work. Many thanks to news anchor Amy Speropoulos for a great interview and her caring spirit. The TV interview is here: