Last week, I had the pleasure of spending time with Mildred Muhammad. While many around the globe know her as the ex-wife of the DC Sniper and being an amazing speaker and author, I am pleased to say that I have a different type of relationship with her.

I am proud to call her my sister, friend, colleague and fellow warrior in bringing education, awareness and overall change regarding issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault. When I first reached out to her, it was to be a guest on our nonprofit’s radio show, Boots on the Ground. Keep in mind, I’ve been following her for years. But, because of her celebrity, I was actually afraid to reach out to her, fearing that we were too small and she would not have time. But, because I do not believe that we should live or operate in the spirit of fear, I decided to go ahead and contact her. She was soooooo easy going and personable. I felt a real sense of conviction come over me. She was quite humble and graciously accepted the invitation to be our special guest.

But, it is what happened afterwards that makes knowing her more meaningful for me. She made me feel comfortable to share things I hadn’t shared with others. There are times when you just feel the need to keep your thoughts  guarded, even when you need to share them. She advised me. She encouraged me. She corrected me. She reminded me. She made time for me. I knew from that moment on, I had a genuine connection with her. It wasn’t about social media likes or bragging about ‘who you know’. I know if I need her or just want to catch up, laugh or vent, I can do it. And, I believe she knows the same is true for her with me.

So, even though she was busy with speaking, workshops, book signings and radio interviews last week, she made certain we spent time together. It was not advertised. No selfies were taken to be Just two sisters who share a foundation of faith and like minded spirits chatting. And, if you’re reading this and have not yet ordered the book, you can do so using this link:

You’ll be glad you did!