I always appreciate every opportunity to talk about wellness, and I am honored to be one of the presenters. Check out the following information as shared by TOOREL, and be sure to not only register but learn more about all the company has to offer:

TooREL Institute for Social Change (TISC) invites you to join this invigorating and inspiring conversation.
Workplace Wellness: Moving Beyond Words to Action
January 16, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (ET)
This invigorating conversation will be focused on creating and sustaining a culture of wellness that prioritizes the voices and needs of traditionally marginalized and dismissed individuals.
This is a FREE introductory session to provide a comprehensive overview of our 3-part Workplace Wellness series.
You will also learn more about TISC and other upcoming events!
Space is limited! Register today @ toorelinstitute.org/events