My Article on Annie: The “Dance-sical”

My Article on Annie: The “Dance-sical”

I truly appreciate every freelance writing opportunity I receive. My latest came in the form of interviewing Chauniece R. Thompson, executive artistic director of Ballet on Wheels (BOW). 

Attendees witnessed a future Misty Copeland, Ashley Murphy or Ebony Williams over the Memorial Day weekend as they experienced a magical twist on the  broadway classic “Annie” at the Ballet on Wheels Dance School and Company’s End of Year Dance Recital. 

To learn more about this event and the amazing things going on at BOW, please read the full article here: 


Ballet on Wheels Dance School and Company is Memphis’ only non-profit, pre-professional, community-based classical ballet school and youth dance company. Tamia Elliott starred as Annie. (Photo: Courtesy of Ballet on Wheels)


MLK50: ‘Mountaintop Speech’ Remembrance Summons Crowd for Reflection, Action

MLK50: ‘Mountaintop Speech’ Remembrance Summons Crowd for Reflection, Action

One of the best opportunities I’ve ever received as a freelance writer has been my involvement with the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination. Living in Memphis has provided a unique, first hand experience for me. During the week long series of events, I was able to sit in a special media room with other journalists and interview two of Dr. King’s children. I will blog about that experience later in the month.


The following link is an article I wrote about what I saw and heard at the world headquarters of the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) and the site of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s now-prophetic last address. I am personally and professionally proud to share it, and I hope enjoy reading it.

Photo Credit: Tyrone Easley/Tri State Defender

Meeting and Interviewing Robert Townsend

Meeting and Interviewing Robert Townsend

To know me well is to know my love for movies. In fact, my husband tells me ALL the time that I need to find out how I can get PAID to become a film critic, discover a way to share my writing and love of little known facts, etc…lol  I’m not sure where I’d need to start, but I do think I’d enjoy doing it. I’m a huge fan of James Bond, Mission Impossible and Bourne Identity Franchises. If it’s detective based, drama or action, I want to see it. But, there are a few people and movies that are extremely close to my heart for personal reasons. One person-Robert Townsend. One movie-The Five Heartbeats. To meet Mr. Townsend in person, have the opportunity to interview him AND for HIM to sign MY book, was one of the biggest highlights of 2018 but also of my life.

I don’t mean to sound over the top or overly dramatic. But, he’s one of the best storytellers of our time. He’s also one of the most hardworking and talented individuals in the film industry. Black Panther (which I absolutely love and have watched three times) was NOT the first Black Superhero to be featured on the big screen. It was actually Meteor Man, created by none other than Robert Townsend. He’s also known for believing in his own project so much that he went into his own pocket and funded what would later be recognized as the cult classic, Hollywood Shuffle.

When Heal the Hood Foundation brought him to Memphis to lead a panel discussion about film, I was just excited to have the opportunity to hear him share his words of wisdom and MAYBE take a picture with him. I took notes and recorded a couple of points with the intention of going back to see what I could pull from for my own journey. But, after the event, I was hanging around the interview area with my notebook and phone in hand listening to others interview him. All of a sudden, one of the attendants told me I could go ahead and ask my questions, just be quick. Seriously!?! I get to INTERVIEW him? So, of course, I took advantage of it. I’d just applied to be a freelance writer for the TriState Defender a couple of weeks earlier. I submitted it and it got published along with another article. I’d never been a PAID freelance writer before then.

Now, to the picture and him signing my book. He was allowing photos, so I stood in line with the intention of taking a photo with him and giving him my book. But, after listening to him share his insights, I decided to ask him to sign it so I could keep it as a keepsake. He did and gave me some great advice on staying in pursuit of my passions.

All of this is personal because in addition to it being a great movie filled with lessons, it gave me and my children (specifically my oldest) an escape during some dark times in our lives. There was a period where we had no cable and watched a lot of movies. We’d reenact them as  The 5 Heartbeats was definitely one of the favorites. And, because I have been following Mr. Townsend for years, I felt a different kind of connection to the storyline and his vision for the movie. And, in all of this, I think the BIGGEST thrill was that my oldest daughter was able to attend and meet him as well. It was an amazing afternoon of bonding and learning from one of our favorite people.

‘Do Justice’ Theme for Agape’s Heartlight Event

‘Do Justice’ Theme for Agape’s Heartlight Event

I hope you will enjoy reading my recently published article featuring Bryan Stevenson and Brian Fikkert. Both men were absolutely amazing. If you’ve never had the opportunity to hear them speak, please research to find out where they may be and make plans to do so. Their knowledge and insights are profound, eye opening and thought provoking. They were the keynote speakers for Agape’s Heartlight Event. The article provides insights on who these men are, the purpose of Agape and the wonderful work they are doing in the community and beyond.

Photo Credit: Craig Thompson/DisciplePhoto