Title IX Summit Training

Title IX Summit Training

The University of Memphis recently hosted its annual Title IX Summit. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. To learn more about the history of Title IX ,...


I’m excited about my latest accomplishment. I signed up to receive requests for writers on various topics through Help A Reporter Out, also known as HARO. I saw a request for blogging insights and decided to submit my information. I was pleasantly surprised to...
Walking the Paved Road with HERoines

Walking the Paved Road with HERoines

It was my honor to serve as the keynote speaker for Fresh Touch Publicity’s Annual HERoine Awards. The theme was Walking the Paved Road. Seven women were honored who have successfully overcome obstacles from all walks of life. For some, it was abuse. For others,...
Race Against Sexual Assault

Race Against Sexual Assault

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. All month, I have been participating in different activities in honor of the month and to help spread awareness & education. Each year, I also strive to do something new and challenging as a way of establishing my personal...
Transition Takes Time

Transition Takes Time

Transition can be difficult, and the journey to self sufficiency is not an easy one to travel. Making the decision to leave an abusive situation is often times emotionally challenging. It is only the beginning. The mental, physical, spiritual, financial and...