Economic Justice with the National Network to End DV

Economic Justice with the National Network to End DV

I was honored to be a guest presenter for the National Network to End Domestic Violence’s Economic Justice Summit. It was held in Detroit, MI. The two day summit featured approximately 540 organizations from around the country who shared a passion for helping victims and survivors of abuse to establish and successfully maintain financial stability. Per the NCADV, approximately 98% of victims of domestic violence have dealt with financial abuse in some form.

I am one of those 98%. I was able to share my experiences and how I used microenterprise development to provide an income for my family. In addition, it provided me with a sense of ownership, stability and self worth. As I began my grassroots efforts with Walking Into A New Life, Inc., I made sure that I explained the importance of either having a job or finding a way to use your own skill sets and create employment for yourself. Survivors of abuse often have skill sets that can be formed into a stable source of income. They just need the opportunity and resources to do so.

My insights were well received. It is my hope that others will appreciate the beauty and importance of self employment and encourage survivors to explore it as a viable source of income. It is not an easy road, but with the right resources and holistic encouragement, it can be profitable and rewarding.