Boots on the Ground on BlogTalkRadio
I am honored to serve as Executive Director of Walking Into A New Life, Inc. Our mission is to stop domestic violence and help stabilize victims of abuse. We now host a radio show entitled Boots on the Ground. The purpose is to give a voice to lesser known individuals, businesses, agencies and organizations a platform to have their stories and missions heard, list tangible resources available and find out how the community can support their efforts. It also serves as a platform for those who are more high profiled to share how they work with those who are up and coming.
I’d love to have you follow the show, listen to past shows and share the information. There has been some awesome resources and events discussed. There’s been some amazing stories of resiliency and triumph shared. So many cities have already been represented, and I look forward to more inspiring and engaging interviews each and every week. blogtalkradio.com/walkingintoanewlife