by Joyce Kyles | Mar 1, 2013 | Speaking Appearances, Walking In to A New Life

What an honor it was to serve as Mistress of Ceremony for A Belle That Cares Outreach’s Teen Dating Violence Prevention Brunch. The event had a two objective, and was held Saturday, February 23, 2013. One, the event was designed to educate young ladies about teen dating violence, what is it, Knowing the signs of abuse and how to protect yourself and others. Two, the event officially launched the outreach program’s extensive list of initiatives and community service opportunities for young ladies. The admission to the event was the donation of a youth or adult formal dress or suit.
Those in attendance had the opportunity to hear from dynamic speakers about domestic violence, inner and outer beauty and, for this event in particular, that there are organizations & programs available to help young ladies to attend special events for a minimal cost. I was able to share my experience of using a consignment boutique to find a dress for a college pageant (for which I won). I was a single mother of three & could not afford a new dress but still wanted to participate in the pageant. Shopping consignment was a great experience for me.
Kudos to Rashida Patterson, Owner of Belle Of The Ball Prom Dress Consignment & Founder of A Belle That Cares Outreach Program for having the vision to combine glamour, education, community involvement and self esteem builders all in one event. It was a lot of fun for everyone.
by Joyce Kyles | Feb 13, 2013 | Radio Appearance, Walking In to A New Life

I had the wonderful privilege to be a guest on WDIA’s Bev Johnson Show. One of the things that I appreciate most about this experience is the way that Ms. Johnson allowed us to speak openly and freely about domestic violence. It wasn’t a sugar coated interview, meaning, it wasn’t one filled with standard questions and feel good answers. We talked about my life, my experiences as a victim and how those experiences have impacted my life as a survivor and advocate.
I appreciate those that called in and shared their stories and asked some rather in depth questions. A couple of them were a bit harder to answer than others, only because I am human, and while I am comfortable with my decision to discuss this subject and my experiences in particular, it can still be touch a spot that still holds some hurt, embarrassment and yes, sometimes even anger. Nonetheless, every question and comment was addressed with honesty and transparency. It also provided some great topics of discussion for future blogs.
What I gathered from the the interview is that 1, there are a lot of people in this city, both male and female that are hurting as a result of domestic violence on some level; 2, I realize now more than ever that I am not alone in my experiences; 3, Walking Into A New Life, Inc. is moving in the right direction with its mission statement to stop domestic violence and help stabilize victims using education and microenterprise development; and 4, I know that people love and respect me for who I am and what I’m doing. When I started this journey, I was very reluctant to share many parts of myself because while many people speculated, not everyone knew the depths of my hurt, my embarrassment, my like of resources or self esteem. What I’ve found is love, refuge, kindness and respect. I’ve been called brave, motivational and inspiring; all words that I would not have even fathomed people using to describe me a few years ago. What I truly am is humbled, grateful and encouraged. I have learned so much from so many, with my children being at the top of the list. I am inspired by their resiliency, despite all we’ve been through, and it makes me proud.
Again, it is truly an honor to have been on Ms. Johnson’s show today. Kudos to her for wanting to address this issue in such a candid and professional way.