BSW Presents Love Doesn’t Hurt

BSW Presents Love Doesn’t Hurt

Beautiful Spirited Women recently gave me the opportunity to present a live virtual workshop entitled “Love Doesn’t Hurt.” I was able to share insights regarding forms of abuse, how to recognize the signs and how/where to get support. I also had the opportunity to answer questions. While this workshop was geared towards the young ladies BSW provides services for, parents, caregivers, and those responsible for young ladies were able to gain information they will be able to share and use within their circles of influence.

Please take a look at the recorded video here:

About Beautiful Spirited Women: Beautiful Spirited Women is a non- profit organization that was founded in Memphis TN by Crystal Clark -Chatman. BSW is a support group of who support young ladies with providing volunteer work, mentoring, tutoring, and other opportunities that will help put a smile on their face.


An Honor I Didn’t Expect

An Honor I Didn’t Expect

This past weekend, I was a vendor at an event for an organization called Beautiful Spirited Women. I learned of this organization while chatting with a young lady affiliated with them. It was a networking function for a company that she nor I are currently connected to. But, the information she shared with me about BSW was inspirational right from the beginning. Eventually, I would meet the Executive Director and that one meeting has turned into years of friendships, sisterhood and a dedication on my part to donate my time, talent and sometimes, finances to them whenever I can. I’ve always done it because I believe in their cause to help tweens/teens to develop the holistic skills they need to grow into powerful, courageous, strong women leaders for themselves, their families and their communities. I’ve not expected anything in return.

So, when the Executive Director talked about this year’s honorary member being a woman of service, dedication to the organization and the work she does in the community, I intently sat there waiting, like everyone else, to see who they were talking about. When she said my name, I was completely caught off guard. I cried…not a big surprise to anyone who knows me. It’s is an honor for me, and I’m extremely humbled by their love and respect for me and what I do.

For anyone who may be reading this, always know that someone is watching what you do-good or bad. Someone’s always paying attention. The key is to be found doing your best. Be a good steward over your finances. Be a listening ear for someone who just needs to be heard. Help those who are in need of kindness, love, support and sometimes, just a big, warm smile and heartfelt hello. Do what you do from your heart and not for accolades and fanfare. You never know who will recognize you and in what way. Thank you to Beautiful Spirited Women for honoring me as I honor you and your commitment to our young people. To learn more about BSW, click here: