My Article on Annie: The “Dance-sical”

My Article on Annie: The “Dance-sical”

I truly appreciate every freelance writing opportunity I receive. My latest came in the form of interviewing Chauniece R. Thompson, executive artistic director of Ballet on Wheels (BOW). 

Attendees witnessed a future Misty Copeland, Ashley Murphy or Ebony Williams over the Memorial Day weekend as they experienced a magical twist on the  broadway classic “Annie” at the Ballet on Wheels Dance School and Company’s End of Year Dance Recital. 

To learn more about this event and the amazing things going on at BOW, please read the full article here: 


Ballet on Wheels Dance School and Company is Memphis’ only non-profit, pre-professional, community-based classical ballet school and youth dance company. Tamia Elliott starred as Annie. (Photo: Courtesy of Ballet on Wheels)